Tuesday 24 February 2015

Gerunds and Infinitives

a Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the infinitive (with or without to) or the gerund.

  1. I learned ……………… French when I was at school. (speak)
  2. Do you fancy ……………….. a film tonight? (see)
  3. Laura's mother doesn't let her ……………………. when she wants. (go out)
  4. I can't afford ……………….. a holiday this year. (have)
  5. It's getting late. We'd better ………………….. much longer. (not stay)
  6. I'm going to carry on ……………………… until 8:00 tonight. (work)
  7. What are you planning ………………………. to the party? (wear)
  8. Would you rather ………………. in the country or in a town? (live)
  9. I couldn't help …………………. when my brother fell off his bicycle. (laugh)
  10. Did you manage …………….. all the homework I gave you? (finish)
  11. We're really looking forward to ……………….. you again. (see)
  12. If I tell you, do you promise ……………………… anybody? (not tell)
  13. My boss made me ……………………. late last night. (work)
  14. Since I've moved abroad I really miss ……….. my friends. (see)
  15. Would you like me ………………….. you with the dinner? (help)
  16. I don't mind ……………….. . I'm not in a hurry. (wait)
  17. You're not allowed ……………………. here. (park)
  18. You need to practise ………….. if you want to pass your English exam. (speak)
  19. I like getting up early in the morning in the summer. (get up)
  20. Monica might ……………….. tomorrow. She's ill. (not come)
  21. I enjoy …………… time with my grandparents. (spend)
  22. Will you be able ………………… me a lift to work tomorrow? (give)

b Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the gerund or infinitive with to form.

  1. You forgot ……………. the milk. (buy)
  2. Could you try ……………………… late tomorrow? (not be)
  3. The sheets on this bed are dirty. They need ………………….. .. (change)
  4. Don't you remember …………………. his wife at that party at Christmas? (meet)
  5. I'll never forget ……………………. in New York for the first time. (arrive)
  6. I think you need ……………………… the irregular verbs. (revise)
  7. Did you remember …………………….. James about the meeting tomorrow? (tell)
  8. If the computer doesn't work, try … it off and …. it on again. (turn) (switch)


a Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the infinitive (with or without to) or the gerund.
  1. I learned to speak French when I was at school.
  2. Do you fancy seeing a film tonight?
  3. Laura's mother doesn't let her go out when she wants.
  4. I can't afford to have a holiday this year.
  5. It's getting late. We'd better not stay much longer. 
  6. I'm going to carry on working until 8:00 tonight.
  7. What are you planning to wear to the party?
  8. Would you rather live in the country or in a town?
  9. I couldn't help laughing when my brother fell off his bicycle.
  10. Did you manage to finish all the homework I gave you?
  11. We're really looking forward to seeing you again.
  12. If I tell you, do you promise not to tell anybody?
  13. My boss made me work late last night.
  14. Since I've moved abroad I really miss seeing my friends.
  15. Would you like me to help you with the dinner?
  16. I don't mind waiting. I'm not in a hurry.
  17. You're not allowed to park here.
  18. You need to practise speaking if you want to pass your English exam.
  19. I like getting up/to get early in the morning in the summer.
  20. Monica might not come tomorrow. She's ill.
  21. I enjoy spending time with my grandparents.
  22. Will you be able to give me a lift to work tomorrow?

 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the gerund or infinitive with to form.

  1. You forgot to buy the milk.
  2. Could you try not to be late tomorrow?
  3. The sheets on this bed are dirty. They need changing.
  4. Don't you remember meeting his wife at that party at Christmas?
  5. I'll never forget arriving in New York for the first time.
  6. I think you need to revise the irregular verbs.
  7. Did you remember to tell James about the meeting tomorrow?
  8. If the computer doesn't work, try turning it off and switching it on again.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Inversion - Answers

I'm posting the answers to the activity on Inversion. We can discuss the topic again next class. ;)

Choose the most suitable words

1.      John promised that he would never tell anyone else. (not emphatic)
2.      Not until it was too late did I remember to call Richard.
3.      Hardly had we settled down in our seats when the lights went out.
4.      Only after checking three times was I certain of the answer.
5.      At no time was I aware of anything out of the usual.
6.      Only Mary and Carol passed the final exam.
7.      So high were the waves that swimming was dangerous.
8.      No sooner had it stopped raining than the sun came out.

Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word or words in capitals, and so that the meaning stays the same

1.      Under no circumstances is the money to be paid.
2.      Soon after the ship left the port a violent storm began. (not emphatic)
3.      At no time did the accused express regret for what he had done.
4.      No sooner had I got into the bath than someone knocked at the door. (emphatic)
5.      Only after your identity had been checked will you be allowed in.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Writing a Narrative Piece

First choose one of the topics from Module 5 –you can use the questions given as a guide. 
Then brainstorm ideas, select the ones you’d like to use and make your outline. 
Finally, develop the ideas in an organized, interesting way.

Here’s an example from Burlington: 

Going green


• Set the scene
When did you start ‘greening’ your life?
What made you begin this process?
How did you begin?

Paragraphs 2 and 3
• Describe the sequence of events
What’s the first thing you did to become ‘green’?
What did it entail?
Was it easy or difficult to implement or get used to?
Was it expensive, time-consuming, etc.?
What was the result?
Did you succeed the first time?
Did things improve with time?
What did you do next?

• Include specific details and try to include your feelings about the subject of the narrative.
How did you feel about what happened?

• Use sequence connectors and expressions such as: first, next, then, finally, so…


• Sum up the things you have already achieved.

• Describe your hopes and future plans.

Last year, my co-workers and I thought that we could make our working environment more eco-friendly. So we prepared a proposal for ‘going green’ and met with management to discuss our ideas.

At first, they did not approve our plan, but we were really determined and started to put recycling bins on every floor. Then we managed to persuade our supervisors to replace the old office equipment with more energy-efficient machines. That was really an achievement!

It did not take long for management to realize that our changes were actually saving them money, so they followed our recommendation and installed a new air conditioner that used less energy than the one we had. We also started organizing ‘green days’ once a month, when we would take part in environmental projects in the community. It felt great to get more people involved!

Now we have created a ‘green’ committee and are working with organizations that also want to ‘go green’. The next step is to devise large-scale ‘green’ projects’. I cannot wait to see what we will accomplish!

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Module 5 Questions

  1. What is the ozone layer? What damage do aerosol products cause?
  2. What's the relationship between rivers, oceans and global health?
  3. What's the difference between renewable and non renewable energies
  4. Which products can we use that are less harmful to the planet?
  5. What is acid rain?
  6. Is nuclear energy renewable?
  7. What do you think about packaging in western societies?
  8. What do you know about organic food?
  9. What is green transportation?
  10. Would you like to ride a bike to work?
  11. What's your attitude towards plastic bags?
  12. Do you make an intelligent use of air conditioning? And of heating?
  13. We harness solar power using solar panels, and wind energy using windmills
  14. What is an eco-town?
  15. Do you think that there are now more natural catastrophes than in the past?
  16. Do you think that natural resources are decreasing?
  17. Is your home or office environmentally friendly?
  18. What is an energy efficient light bulb?
  19. Do you live in a sustainable area?
  20. Would you like to have an electric vehicle? why? why not?
  21. Do you think that companies are doing enough for the environment?
  22. Is there something that you can do to go greener?
  23. Is your workplace green?
  24. What would you do with your computer if it broke down/or it did no longer work?

Inversion - Practice

The term INVERSION covers two different grammatical operations:

a. using a question form of the main verb

Not only did he fail to report the accident, but also later denied that he had been driving the car.
Never have I enjoyed myself more!

b. Changing the normal position of verb and subject

Here comes Freddy.
Up into the air went the balloon.

a. using a question form of the main verb

- If a negative adverb (or adverbial phrase) is put at the beginning of a clause for EMPHASIS, it is usually followed by auxiliary verb + subject.  

Under no circumstances can we cash cheques.
At no time was the President aware of what was happening.
Not until much later did she learn who her real father was.

The same structure is possible after a complete clause beginning with not until…

Not until he received the letter did he fully understand the depth of her feelings.

- Inversion is also used after restrictive words like: hardly, seldom, rarely, little and never and after expressions containing only.

Hardly had I arrived when trouble started.
Seldom have I seen such a remarkable creature.
Little did he realise the danger he faced.
Never was so much owed by so many to so few. (W. Churchill)
Only then did I understand what she meant.
Only after her death was I able to appreciate her.
Only seven minutes does Captain Moore need to show us the amount of plastic that is flooding the ocean.
Not only did we lose our money, but we were nearly killed.

- Inversion is not used after non-emphatic adverbial expressions of place and time.

Not far from here you can see the foxes.

b. Changing the normal position of verb and subject

Under a tree was lying one of the biggest men I had ever seen.
On the grass sat an enormous frog.
Directly in front of them stood a great castle.
Along the road came a strange procession.
There goes your brother.
I stopped a car and up walked a policeman.


Choose the most suitable words underlined.

  1. John promised that he would never / never would he tell anyone else.
  2. Not until it was too late I remembered / did I remember to call Richard.
  3. Hardly had we settled down in our seats than / when the lights went out.
  4. Only after checking three times I was / was I certain of the answer.
  5. At no time I was aware /was I aware of anything out of the usual.
  6. Only Mary and Carol passed / did pass the final exam.
  7. So the waves were high / high were the waves that swimming was dangerous.
  8. No sooner had it stopped raining than / when the sun came out.
Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word or words in capitals, and so that the meaning stays the same.

  1. The money is not to be paid under any circumstances.


  1. Hardly had the ship left port, when a violent storm developed.


  1. The accused never expressed regret for what he had done.


  1. As soon as I got into the bath, someone knocked at the door.


  1. You won’t be allowed in until your identity has been checked.
