Friday 8 May 2015

Phrasal Verbs

1 I think I'll invite Mary out tonight. Things at work have been MAKING HER FEEL DEPRESSED lately. I wish she would think of something else.

getting her down
putting her down
getting her off
putting her off

2 You can't have a salad, I'm afraid. We've USED UP OUR SUPPLY OF vegetables.

gone off
run off
gone out of
run out of

3 When I opened the office door, I was hit on the head and FAINTED.

gave away
passed away
gave out
passed out

4 I can pick you up at your place and LEAVE YOU at the airport.

take you off
drop you off
take you out
drop you out

5 The witch cast a spell on the prince and he BECAME a frog.

caught on
turned on
fell into
turned into

6 We found a buyer for our house, but then the sale FAILED TO HAPPEN.

put through
fell through
put out
fell out

7 Many ideas have been SUGGESTED, but a decision is unlikely until after next year's general election.
put out
looked out
put forward
looked forward

8 When questioned on TV, the Mayor RETRACTED her allegations and admitted that she was wrong.

held back
took back
held out
took out

9 You'd better not give the dog that milk. It's TURNED SOUR.

gone off
left off
gone out
left out

10 What on earth's been HAPPENING here? This room looks like a bomb's hit it!

going up
turning up
going on
turning on


1 I think I'll invite Mary out tonight. Things at work have been GETTING HER DOWN  lately. I wish she would think of something else.

2 You can't have a salad, I'm afraid. We've RUN OUT OF vegetables.

3 When I opened the office door, I was hit on the head and PASSED OUT.

4 I can pick you up at your place and DROP YOU OFF at the airport.

5 The witch cast a spell on the prince and he TURNED INTO a frog.

6 We found a buyer for our house, but then the sale FELL THROUGH.

7 Many ideas have been PUT FORWARD, but a decision is unlikely until after next year's general election.

8 When questioned on TV, the Mayor TOOK BACK her allegations and admitted that she was wrong.

9 You'd better not give the dog that milk. It's GONE OFF.

10 What on earth's been GOING ON here? This room looks like a bomb's hit it!

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