Monday 10 November 2014

Community and Activities for B2 English CUID

Hi friends,

¡ Welcome to B2 English CUID Blog !

The main idea is to build a common site for all students and teachers that participate in English learning: share resources, guidelines and any activity that improves our proficiency with the English language.

¡ We hope it is useful for everyone ! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for your work Jesús!!

    1. You're welcome. You know that we're an efficient machines in English language.

  3. Hi Jesús!
    Thank you for the blog, it will be the best way to be in touch.

  4. Thanks, Jesus, for this tool that will allow us to be in touch and make the best of this course!

  5. Practice for speaking - It's NOT necessary to write your answers.

    Questions Module 1

    Answer these questions. Your presentation should last 60 seconds. It's expected to include an introduction, a body and a conclusion, each introduced by a topic sentence and some supporting sentences containing details, examples, facts, explanations or reasons.

    Module 1

    1. What is a community?
    2. What kind of communities can people be part of?
    3. What can you do if you belong to a sports community?
    4. Are you involved in any communal events?
    5. Do you enjoy going to libraries or museums?
    6. What kind of facilities can you find in a library?
    7. What is a bake sale?
    8. What kind of voluntary work can you offer to your community?
    9. What is a nonprofit organization?
    10. What is a Hobbies Fair?
    11. How can people help out in a community?
    12. What is a virtual community?
    13. What do you think about social networking sites?
    14. Have you ever signed up for a marathon? Why? Why not?
    15. Would you join a mountain biking group?
    16. Or an online gaming competition?
    17. Have you considered helping people in need around the world?

    1. Hi Maggie,

      I think It's better post Activities in a separate Page(Post). thus It will get more visibility for all.

      If you don't know how to do it, we can speak in the next class.

      Jesús Mostajo

    2. Of course I don't know how to do it :'(

  6. One-minute presentation - Model

    • Write a headline that expresses the topic and the main idea of the article.
    • A headline should be short and does not need to be a full sentence.

    Chocolate 2.0

    Paragraph 1
    • Write the topic sentence of the article. It should contain the main idea.
    Which event are you describing? When did it / will it take place?
    • Add supporting sentences.

    Chantal Coady is the owner of Rococo, an exclusive chocolate boutique in a posh London district, and the author of Real Chocolate, an original recipe book. She would like to raise awareness of quality chocolate and persuade people to enjoy different tastes.

    Paragraphs 2 and 3
    • Write two paragraphs providing background information.
    • each paragraph should contain a topic sentence with one main idea.
    • each paragraph should contain two supporting sentences.

    As a child, she loved chocolate eggs and her mother used to send her chocolate to her boarding school. She also recalls eating icecream on the beach and then licking her lips and tasting the sea. This might have been the source of her original savoury chocolate dishes.

    Her life in south London, however, is quite conventional. She cooks ordinary meals. Unsurprisingly, her two children love chocolate, and she sometimes gives in and buys them cheap chocolate, if they insist.

    • conclude your article.
    • include a personal comment or wish.

    Chantal thinks it is just a question of time until everybody starts cooking and eating chocolate in a different fashion.

    Final version

    Chantal Coady is the owner of Rococo -an exclusive chocolate boutique in a posh London district- and the author of Real Chocolate, an original recipe book. She would like to raise awareness of quality chocolate and persuade people to enjoy different tastes.

    As a child, she loved chocolate eggs and her mother used to send her chocolate to her boarding school. She also recalls eating icecream on the beach and then licking her lips and tasting the sea. This might have been the source of her original savoury chocolate dishes.

    Her life in south London, however, is quite conventional and she cooks ordinary meals. Unsurprisingly, her two children love good chocolate, but she sometimes gives in and buys them cheap sweets, if they insist.

    Chantal thinks it is just a question of time until everybody starts cooking and eating chocolate in a different fashion.

    144 words

  7. If you have time, you might want to watch this video:
    You can watch it with English subtitles and we'll discuss it in class. Here's a short glossary and notes:

    Glossary and notes

    squint = to look with the eyes partly closed, as in bright sunlight = entornar/entrecerrar los ojos

    One of the four houses in Hogwarts, the school of magic Harry Potter attended. The houses compete throughout the school year, by earning and losing points for various events, for the House Cup (correctly answering a question in class, for example, may earn five or ten points; lateness to class may cost ten points).

    giddy = silly, frivolous, irresponsible, flippant, whimsical, capricious; featherbrained, thoughtless = frívolo, superficial ANTONYM sensible

    rack (or wrack) one's brains (or brain) = make a great effort to think of or remember something = devanarse los sesos

    to extol =praise enthusiastically; acclaim, exalt, glorify, laud, eulogize, rhapsodize over sth = elogiar, encomiar, ensalzar

    bear with sb = be patient or tolerant with sb

    to strike a balance = find a compromise, reach an agreement

    quirk = a peculiar behavioural habit; eccentricity, oddity, trait = peculiaridad

    vocational degree = a degree directed to an occupation or employment

    to ditch = abandon, discard

    anvil = a heavy steel or iron block with a flat top, concave sides, and typically a pointed end, on which metal can be hammered and shaped = yunque

    to be hard put = find something very difficult
    petty = too small, minor, paltry
    a knack = gift, talent, flair, genius, instinct, faculty, ability, capability, aptitude, aptness, bent, forte, facility = capacidad

    unruffled = calm, untroubled, unperturbed, at ease, relaxed, serene, cool, placid, laid-back = sereno, imperturbable

    a Time Turner –in Harry Potter’s story- is a device that resembles an hourglass pendant on a necklace which may be used for time travel.

    one's last gasp = death, the point of completion
    gasp = breath, inhalation

    to slope off = leave somewhere without letting others know = escaparse
    The lecture sounded really boring, so I sloped off and went to the pub.

    to smuggle sth out = to traffic out, convey sth secretly and illicitly
    to poke sth out = to stick out, extend, protrude
    outspokenness = speaking openly, straightforwardly, plainly
    humbling = lowering one's pride

    inspiring = motivating, stimulating, influential

    agoraphobia = extreme or irrational fear of crowded spaces or enclosed public places

    hastily = hurriedly, swiftly
    to scribble = to jot, scrawl, write sth carelessly
    wilful = deliberate, intentional

    to collude = come to a secret understanding for a harmful purpose; conspire, be in cahoots, plot = conspirar, confabularse, colaborar
