Sunday 16 November 2014

J.K. Rowling Speaks at Harvard Commencement

If you have time, you might want to watch this video:

You can watch it with English subtitles and we'll discuss it in class. Here's a short glossary and notes: 

Glossary and notes
  • squint = to look with the eyes partly closed, as in bright sunlight = entornar/entrecerrar los ojos
  • Griffindo = One of the four houses in Hogwarts, the school of magic Harry Potter attended. The houses compete throughout the school year, by earning and losing points for various events, for the House Cup (correctly answering a question in class, for example, may earn five or ten points; lateness to class may cost ten points).
  • giddy = silly, frivolous, irresponsible, flippant, whimsical, capricious; featherbrained, thoughtless = frívolo, superficial ANTONYM sensible
  • rack (or wrack) one's brains (or brain) = make a great effort to think of or remember something = devanarse los sesos
  • to extol =praise enthusiastically; acclaim, exalt, glorify, laud, eulogize, rhapsodize over sth = elogiar, encomiar, ensalzar
  • bear with sb = be patient or tolerant with sb
  • to strike a balance = find a compromise, reach an agreement
  • quirk = a peculiar behavioural habit; eccentricity, oddity, trait = peculiaridad 
  • vocational degree = a degree directed to an occupation or employment
  • to ditch = abandon, discard
  • anvil = a heavy steel or iron block with a flat top, concave sides, and typically a pointed end, on which metal can be hammered and shaped = yunque
  • to be hard put = find something very difficult
  • petty = too small, minor, paltry
  • a knack = gift, talent, flair, genius, instinct, faculty, ability, capability, aptitude, aptness, bent, forte, facility = capacidad
  • unruffled = calm, untroubled, unperturbed, at ease, relaxed, serene, cool, placid, laid-back = sereno, imperturbable
  • a Time Turner –in Harry Potter’s story- is a device that resembles an hourglass pendant on a necklace which may be used for time travel.
  • one's last gasp = death, the point of completion
  • gasp = breath, inhalation
  • to slope off = leave somewhere without letting others know = escaparse
  • The lecture sounded really boring, so I sloped off and went to the pub.
  • to smuggle sth out = to traffic out, convey sth secretly and illicitly
  • to poke sth out = to stick out, extend, protrude
  • outspokenness = speaking openly, straightforwardly, plainly
  • humbling = lowering one's pride 
  • inspiring = motivating, stimulating, influential
  • agoraphobia = extreme or irrational fear of crowded spaces or enclosed public places
  • hastily = hurriedly, swiftly
  • to scribble = to jot, scrawl, write sth carelessly
  • wilful = deliberate, intentional 
  • to collude = come to a secret understanding for a harmful purpose; conspire, be in cahoots, plot = conspirar, confabularse, colaborar


  1. She speaks very well and has a good humor. She has a speech with many words still do not understand. She's a great writer and speaker.

  2. I think so too.
    I will try to listen J.K.Rowling another time some weeks later. I am sure that if I read first the vocabulary I will understand better her.
    Kind regards,
