Thursday 27 November 2014

Writing Assessment

Writing assessment

Content 25%                 Have you done what you were asked to do?

Register 25%                Have you used the appropriate register for the task?

Organisation 25%          Are the paragraphs organised in a logical order?

Language 25%      Are the grammar and vocabulary adequate?
If the piece is too short it might not use the range of language expected.
If the piece is too long it may contain irrelevant content that may have a negative effect.


Burlington includes the following types of writing, which we will 

1      Article
2      Cover letter (letter of application)
3      Blog entry
4      Descriptive essay
5      Narrative essay
6      Opinion essay
7      Letter of complaint
8      Review

1 Article

Headline                   Short and sweet
Introduction             Main information about the subject (Topic Sentence + Supporting Sentences)  
Body                          One or two paragraphs – develop the introduction  (TS + SSs)
Conclusion                Comment


As you all know, this is your first assignment. Please send it to my email address and I'll send back a corrected version. 

Module 1 -  ARTICLE


Choose one of the activities from the list below – the one you would like to participate in- and imagine you are planning a community event.
I suggest you use ‘Maplegrove Park reopens its doors’ as a model, but, of course, you’re expected to use your own ideas.

The list below has been taken from the reading and listening activities in Burlington Module 1.
Write an article OF NO MORE THAN 150 WORDS to invite and persuade people to take part in it.

1      a sports community
2      a library
3      a museum
4      voluntary work for the community
5      a hobbies fair
6      a marathon
7      a mountain biking group
8      an online gaming competition
9      an NGO (Non Government Organization)

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